DHS Bureaucrat Watch List


Wilson Osorio

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
Associate Counsel, USCIS

Wilson Osorio's

Partisan Political Activities

Wilson Osorio's

Notable Financial Relationships

Wilson Osorio's

Notable Prior Employment History

January 2019 – Present – USCIS – Associate Counsel

April 2021 – November 2022 - US Senate – Senate Judiciary Committee – Immigration Counsel

May 2016 – January 2019 – US Department of Labor – Attorney

September 2014 – May 2016 – NY Legal Assistant Group – Justice Fellow – Immigrant Justice Corps

August 2013 – December 2013 - American University of Washington College of Law – Teaching Assistant – “Conducted class discussions about…asylum; removal defense; naturalization; and family-and employment based immigration.

August 2012 – May 2014 - American University Washington College of Law - Immigrant Justice Clinic – Student Attorney

June 2013 August 2013 – Southern Poverty Law Center – Immigrant Justice Project - Legal Intern

May 2012- August 2012 Ayuda – Legal Intern


Wilson Osorio Posts TikTok and YouTube Videos that Encourage Illegals Immigrants to Come to the United States

Wilson Osorio posted a video on TikTok with a written statement in Spanish, claiming that undocumented immigrants are crucial contributors to US infrastructure, that 1.6 million illegal immigrants work in construction, and that drivers can make up to $28 an hour – high pay that could encourage more illegal border crossings.


On YouTube, Osorio shared an illegal immigrant’s financial success story, where the illegal immigrant claimed to earn nearly $1,000 per week selling coconuts in Maryland, a figure that starkly contrasts with the average monthly earnings in various Central and South American countries, where such weekly earnings might represent 2-3 months' salary. This narrative could perpetuate the myth of easy wealth in the US, potentially fueling further illegal migration and illegal border activities.


In the description section of another video posted on YouTube, Wilson Osorio posted the text of the description in Spanish that can be translated as follows: "In the US, you work hard for the money, but it was worth crossing the border." This statement brazenly encourages illegal border crossings, illustrating a shocking disregard for U.S. sovereignty and the rule of law.


Wilson Osorio irresponsibly glorified illegal border crossings by sharing the story of a migrant that paid $14,000 to be smuggled into the US. The migrant stated that she obtained a work permit and her daughters obtained green cards – the golden ticket for staying in the US permanently.

Wilson Osorio’s social media history is wholly inappropriate. As a GS-15 attorney for DHS, Wilson Osorio is a senior leader of an organization tasked with upholding our nation’s immigration laws. Rather than enforce the laws on the books, Wilson Osorio has taken it upon himself to travel around DC, Maryland, and Virginia to interview migrants, many of whom are here illegally, to hear and promote their stories. Many of Wilson’s Osorio’s videos tout the economic benefits of coming to the US – a message that can only have the effect of encouraging further illegal immigration to the United States. (source)

Worked for Second Ranking Senate Democrat, Dick Durbin

 Wilson Osorio posted on social media that he served as Immigration Counsel for prominent Democratic Senator Dick Durbin on the Judiciary Committee. Dick Durbin is the number two Senate Democrat and Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee. He also supported radical policies like supporting giving more money shelters that get used for Illegal alien housing. He also protected sanctuary city funding. Lastly Dick Durbin went against Trumps effort which wanted to remove Illegal Aliens from the census.

Wilson Osorio’s work as a detailee for Dick Durbin leaves no doubt that he is a partisan Activist. (source)

He Used an Out of Context Image Reinforcing the False Narrative that a Border Patrol Agent Whipped a Haitian Migrant

Wilson Osorio used an out of context image of a colleague in DHS in Border Patrol to promote the false narrative that Border Patrol agents were whipping Haitian migrants. The narrative surrounding the "horse whipping" incident was grossly mischaracterized, serving to unjustly malign Border Patrol personnel. As a senior DHS employee, Wilson Osorio should be held to a higher standard and not post images that suggest his DHS colleagues are violently abusing migrants.


These are just a few of Osorio's troubling videos. See more here.