DHS Bureaucrat Watch List


Veronica Venture

DHS Headquarters
Deputy Officer for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties and the Director of Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

Veronica Venture's

Partisan Political Activities

Active Liberal Voter in Prince George’s County, Maryland (source)

Veronica Venture's

Notable Financial Relationships

Veronica Venture's

Notable Prior Employment History

March 2011 – Present - DHS - Deputy Officer/Director for EEO & Diversity, Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties

March 2002 - March 2011 - FBI - Office of Equal Employment Opportunity Affairs

Veronica Venture Also Held Several Positions at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) over the course of a decade, including:

January 2001 – March 2002 - Supervisory Attorney Advisor/Director, Office of Equal Opportunity

May 2000 – January 2001 - Attorney Advisor (Special Assistant), Office of the Chair

February 2000 – May 2000 - Acting Supervisory Enforcement Manager, San Diego Area Office

July 1997 – February 2000 - Alternative Dispute Resolution Coordinator, Washington Field Office

March 1993 – February 2000 – Administrative Judge, Washington Field Office

July 1991 – February 1993 - Trial Attorney, Baltimore District Office


Criticized Border Patrol and ICE for Not Providing Recreation to Illegal Immigrants in Detention Facilities

In a memo co-authored by Veronica Venture to the Chief of the US Border Patrol in May 2019, Venture cited an onsite inspection her office (the DHS Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties) performed of Border Patrol Stations in the Rio Grande Valley Sector in July 2018. The memo went on to make recommendations and noted failures of the Border Patrol in the Rio Grande Valley, such as “UAC [Unaccompanied Alien Children] and family units have limited access to recreation”:

…“UAC and family units have limited access to recreation.”…

Additionally, Veronica Venture co-authored a memo in August 2021 to ICE leadership after Venture’s office investigated the La Palma Correction Center. Venture’s memo made claims that ICE failed to provide a recreation schedule “that adjusted and accommodated seasonal /temperature conditions,” among other “problems”:

25. CRCL found that the LPCC recreation schedule did not provide detainees with a reasonable schedule that adjusted and accommodated seasonal/temperature conditions. CRCL recommends that LPCC review their recreation schedule and adjust it as necessary to provide detainees with opportunities to participate in leisure activities at a reasonable time of day and appropriate for seasonal conditions. (5.4.Recreation; II. 2.)

Veronica Venture’s preoccupation with providing recreation activities to detained migrants in DHS detention facilities shows that she is more interested in turning DHS facilities into Club Fed than allocating resources to achieving DHS’ border security mandate. (source) (source

Supports Flying LGBTQ Pride Flags at Federal Buildings

On Veronica Venture’s LinkedIn account, Venture “celebrated”the flying of LGBTQ+ Pride flags at federal buildings: