DHS Bureaucrat Watch List


Royce Bernstein Murray

DHS Headquarters
Assistant Secretary, Border and Immigration Policy, Department of Homeland Security

Royce Bernstein Murray's

Partisan Political Activities

Repeated donor to the most liberal of Presidential candidates, including:

  • Barack Obama
  • Joe Biden
  • Hillary Clinton

As well as liberal activists like:

  • Ed Markey
  • Steve Bullock

Royce Bernstein Murray's

Notable Financial Relationships

Royce Bernstein Murray's

Notable Prior Employment History

Apr 2016 – Mar 2021 - American Immigration Council  - Managing Director of Programs

Feb 2013 – Aug 2016 - National Immigrant Justice Center - Director of Policy

Radical Leftist Climbing the DHS Career Ladder

Bernstein is an open far-left advocate that has held numerous positions at non-profits dedicated to providing benefits to illegal immigrants before starting her career at DHS.  

She is in no position to be working for the government, especially in areas which focus on enforcing illegal immigration, as she believes in offering open borders and unlimited benefits to aliens.

Inside sources at ICE confirm that she is on good terms with notorious bureaucrat Claire Trickler-McNulty, and is one of the chief advisors to the Secretary of Homeland Security.

According to a lawsuit filed by America First Legal against Biden’s DHS, Bernstein is a known anti-enforcement activist, with this information being known even before she was appointed to a top position at USCIS. Hiring such individuals deliberately undermines the goals of enforcement organizations:

“Royce Bernstein Murray is the Chief Strategy Officer at USCIS. She was formerly a counselor to Mayorkas in DHS. She has been an active critic of the Trump Administration’s immigration policies, criticizing his treatment of asylum seekers. According to her resume, she was heavily involved in leftist immigration policy institutes prior to joining DHS. She was the Managing Director of Programs at the American Immigration Council, Director of Policy at the National Immigrant Justice Center (NIJC), and a consultant for the National Immigration Forum, which advocates for ‘earned legalization for those among the eleven million who pose no threat to the public.”

She additionally held a position as policy director for the American Immigration Council, an advocacy group in favor of expanding immigration in the US and expanding legal protections for certain populations of illegal aliens:

“We envision a nation where immigrants are embraced, communities are enriched, and justice prevails for all. We strive to create a society that values immigrants as vital contributors to our nation and where everyone is afforded an equal opportunity to thrive socially, economically, and culturally.”

Prior to this role, Bernstein was Director of Policy for the National Immigrant Justice Center, which provides free legal aid for immigrants and asylum seekers:

“Thanks to the support of hundreds of pro bono attorneys from the nation's leading law firms, NIJC has made critical advances in the lives of hundreds of thousands of vulnerable immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers. NIJC provides legal services to more than 10,000 individuals each year and maintains a success rate of 90 percent in obtaining asylum for those fleeing persecution in their home countries. NIJC and its pro bono attorneys have been on the vanguard of federal impact litigation and advocacy, setting positive precedents for those seeking human rights protections within our borders.”

Anti-Trump Activist Could be Burrowed into DHS

Bernstein Murray is among a cadre of anti-Trump activists who have been brought into DHS during the Biden Administration.  If she were burrowed into the career staff at DHS, she brings the threat of embedding a virulent anti-Trump bias into the agency.  (source)

From 2019:

Royce Bernstein Murray, Managing Director of Programs, American Immigration Council, said, “This dramatic expansion of fast-track deportations gives immigration officials unchecked authority to apprehend and order deported anyone anywhere in the United States who cannot swiftly prove they have lawful status or have been in the country for two years or more. This type of summary removal prevents people from getting a fair day in court or access to an attorney, increasing the risk of deporting vulnerable individuals to serious harm or death. It also puts U.S. citizens at much-heightened risk of arrest, detention, and possible deportation; a trend we have already begun to document under the Trump administration. We will not stand idly by while this new policy terrorizes a nation; the government will see us in court.”