DHS Bureaucrat Watch List


David Palmer

DHS Headquarters
Chief of Staff – Office of the General Counsel -- DHS

David Palmer's

Partisan Political Activities

David Palmer's

Notable Financial Relationships

David Palmer's

Notable Prior Employment History

U.S. Department of Homeland Security – January 2008 – Present.

U.S. Department of Justice – October 1988 – December 2007.


Promoted Left-wing Causes on Social Media, Including, Most Notably, Attacking the Impeachment of Secretary Mayorkas.

While Mr. Palmer does not have an extensive online presence, what little of it he does have is extremely concerning.

In the Spring of 2024, Mr. Palmer reposted a defense of Secretary Mayorkas during his impeachment.  Mr. Palmer described this post as an “outstanding post and outstanding prose.”

The impeachment of Alejandro Mayorkas over policy differences is baseless and a gross abuse of a solemn constitutional authority. It is an unfair attack on a good and decent man who has dedicated more than 20 years of his life to serving his country, and it will weaken our democratic institutions by discouraging future leaders from answering the call to serve.

For Mr. Palmer to explicitly defend Secretary Mayorkas during impeachment (especially when he posts so infrequently) speaks volumes as to his support of the current administration’s border policies.  It, furthermore, calls into question his willingness to faithfully execute the policies of an administration that has different policies.


Lists Pronouns on LinkedIn and Re-Posted Former Deep State, Anti-Trump Lieutenant Colonel, Alexander Vindman

David Palmer lists his pronouns on LinkedIn, an out of the mainstream behavior that suggests a deeply entrenched left wing worldview that would be out of place in a conservative administration.

Additionally, David Palmer re-posted a post from Alexander Vindman on LinkedIn. In the post, Vindman criticzed Senator Tommy Tuberville’s “hold” on military promotions.  Senator Tuberville leveraged his parliamentary ability to “hold” Senate confirmation of senior military officers to try to force change from the Pentagon to stop providing reimbursements for expenses to seek abortions – a hold which was supported by many people in the conservative movement.

Alexander Vindman is a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the US Army that was a staffer for President Trump’s National Security Council. Vindman testified before Congress in October 2019 and gave testimony that provided “evidence” that resulted in President Trump’s first impeachment trial.

The combination of attacking Senator Tommy Tuberville AND reposting Alexander Vindman makes this a particularly noxious post. To repost this suggests that David Palmer is firmly on the side of the Administrative State.