DHS Bureaucrat Watch List


Deborah Fleischaker

DHS Headquarters
Executive Secretary

Deborah Fleischaker

Partisan Political Activities

Donated $250 to Tommy Wells for Mayor of DC.  “Council member Tommy Wells joined Council members David Grosso, Jim Graham, and Muriel Bowser to move a bill providing voting rights to non-US citizens.” (source)

Repeated donor to the most liberal of Presidential candidates, including:

  • Barack Obama
  • Joe Biden
  • Elisabeth Warren

Deborah Fleischaker

Notable Financial Relationships

Deborah Fleischaker

Notable Prior Employment History

May 2019 – May 2020 - Counsel, Senate Judiciary Committee - Office of Senator Patrick J. Leahy  

2008 - March 2011 - Director of State Legislative Affairs - Families Against Mandatory Minimums

This Bureaucrat has been Chipping Away at Proper Enforcement for Over a Decade

Deborah Fleischaker has worked in the immigration sector for over a decade, all the while expanding social services for migrants and chipping away at crucial enforcement programs.

She has held positions at the Department of Homeland Security since 2011, serving at both ICE and spending the majority of her career at the DHS Office for Civil Rights and Liberties. According to inside sources, a political position was created just for her as the head of ICE policy, kicking out the career SES head of ICE policy. She was responsible for generating all policies and regulations for the agency, and served as Chief of Staff for close to a year, during which she and Claire Trickler-McNulty worked hand in hand to dismantle the agency and turn it into social services for illegal aliens.

Just this summer, she was appointed by Secretary Mayorkas to the position of Acting Chief Privacy Officer and Chief Freedom of Information Act Officer. This new role elevates her to the level of an ICE Director, sans Senate confirmation, and is a clear promotion. Such a position emboldens Fleischaker to do significant damage to enforcement efforts by way of preventing access to critical data.

Working for America’s Leading Leftists

While her official biography brags of having worked at DHS as a “career civil servant” the real story is that Fleischaker has been spending her career working for some of the most activist leftists in Washington.  Notably, she worked for the chairman of the Judiciary Committee Patrick Leahy.  During Leahy’s tenure when Fleishaker was working for him he was leading the charge to block the stay in Mexico policy: (source)

"Apparently, it's for legislation to give the president what he wants in his political war on immigration," Leahy said.
"It's supposed to be the Senate Judiciary Committee, not the Donald Trump committee."

The bill would change existing law, which limits family detentions to 20 days for migrants traveling with children and requires them to be released pending asylum hearings. Instead, Graham's bill would allow longer detentions by doing away with the limits, which have been part of the so-called Flores legal settlement.

Among other changes, the legislation would restructure asylum law to have applicants apply in Mexico and other countries, rather than when they arrive at the U.S. border, and bring on 500 new immigration judges to help process the backlog of cases.

This work is unsurprising considering Fleischaker’s work with left wing soft on crime group Families Against Mandatory Minimums. Before her career as a government bureaucrat, Fleischaker worked at the nonprofit Families Against Mandatory Minimums, which challenges mandatory sentencing laws and advocates for criminal justice reform.:

FAMM is mobilizing families across the country to ensure that our criminal justice system is both fair and effective. For far too long, people who have made mistakes and broken the law have been subject to harsh, one-size-fits-all sentencing and prison policies that ignore the unique facts and circumstances of the crime and the individual.