DHS Bureaucrat Watch List


Heather Salfrank Joseph

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
Senior Advisor, Office of the Director, USCIS

Heather Salfrank Joseph's

Partisan Political Activities

Active Liberal Voter in Washington, DC (source)

Heather Joseph has repeatedly contributed to liberal and progressive candidates, such as:

Julian for the Future - 4/13/2019 -$25

Jon Ossoff for Congress- 5/13/2017 - $50

Jon Ossoff for Congress - 3/16/2017 - $50

Nydia Velazquez For Congress -1/28/2017 - $25


The contribution to Julian Castro’s presidential campaign in 2019 is particularly noteworthy – Castro supported amnesty for illegal immigrants, DACA recipients, TPS recipients, as well as increasing chain migration through lifting visa caps. Castro also supported repealing Section 1325 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, which would make crossing the border illegally a civil offense, rather than a criminal offense. (source)

Heather Salfrank Joseph's

Notable Financial Relationships

Heather Salfrank Joseph's

Notable Prior Employment History

October 2016- April 2018 - Episcopal Migration Ministries – Senior Program Manager

October 2011 – October 2016 – Episcopal Migration Ministries – Program Manager

February 2009 – October 2011 – US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants - Matching Grant Program Officer

April 2006 – May 2008 – American Bar Association/CEELI – Program Manager

April 2003 – April 2006 – International Organization for Migration – Program Development and Project Manager


Episcopal Migration Ministries is a liberal refugee resettlement NGO that describes itself as “one of ten national agencies responsible for resettling refugees in the United States in partnership with the government. (source)

Supported Radical Race Lessons in Schools

In a Facebook post, Heather Joseph highlighted a story about a teacher who was incorporating politically biased lessons on race in a public school. The teacher wanted to teach a book by left-wing racial activist, Ta-Nehisi Coates:

“Frnks Frnks” is the name that Heather Salfrank Joseph uses on Facebook. Heather Joseph posting this article shows that her sympathies lie with the Critical Race Theory and DEI movements.

Embraced the Reckless Policy of Flooding the Country with an Influx of Syrian Refugees

Heather Joseph, in an address at All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Brooklyn in 2015, titled "The Refugee Crisis & Our Church," aggressively pushed for an expansion of refugee resettlement in the US of Syrian refugees, and highlighted her work with Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM).

Heather Joseph complained that the US government’s vetting of Syrian refugees was too strict, stating that it was a “problem” that the US refugee screening process is one of the toughest in the world. She also likened US restrictions on admitting Syrian refugees to the US turning away Jewish refugees in 1939:

"Today, I wanted to talk briefly about the Syrian refugee crisis.  And to ask us to pause a moment and reflect on the candle of hope and the story of the Good Samaritan.
Right now there are 4.1 million Syrian refugees displaced by the conflict. It’s the largest refugee crisis the world has seen since WWII.  Europe continues to receive large numbers of refugees to its shores.  France has committed to taking 30,000 Syrian refugees in the wake of the Paris attacks.  And there is a movement in the U.S. right now to stop our taking just the 10 thousand to which we’d committed. This movement has stated that they just want to ensure proper security measures. The problem, though, is that the U.S. refugee screening process is one of the toughest in the world and is by far more secure than any other way that immigrants or foreign nationals enter the country.
There isn’t a way to make it safer that doesn’t involve essentially shutting down the program, which is what these additional measures would do. Shutting down the U.S. resettlement program means sending 10,000 Syrians, the majority of whom are women and children, into a future where their very lives are at risk.
We Americans can be quick to acknowledge some of the terrible moments in our history, believing that we have more moral clarity now. In 1939, we turned away Jewish refugees for fear that Nazi infiltrators were hiding in their midst. This is historical fact and we ARE repeating it."

Heather Joseph’s stance on softer refugee screening jeopardizes our national security by advocating for an unvetted influx of “refugees” at our borders. (source)