DHS Bureaucrat Watch List


Andrea Saenz

Department of Justice Immigration Judges
Immigration Judge, Department of Justice

Andrea Saenz's

Partisan Political Activities

Andrea Saenz's

Notable Financial Relationships

Andrea Saenz's

Notable Prior Employment History

September 2018 – August 2021 – Brooklyn Public Defenders Services - Attorney in Charge, New York Immigrant Family Unity Project

June 2016 – September 2018 – Brooklyn Public Defenders Services - Supervising Attorney, Immigration Practice

August 2013 – June 2016 – Cardozo School of Law - Clinical Teaching Fellow  Immigration Justice Clinic

September 2008 – August 2010 – PAIR Project – Equal Justice Works Fellow – Detention Attorney

A Voice for Illegal Aliens at the Expense of American Citizens

Andrea Saenz has made her career advocating for the rights of illegal aliens at the expense of American citizens.  

As an attorney she worked for the left-wing government funded Brooklyn Public Defenders Service. The BDS proudly brags that it works to thwart the efforts of ICE to deport iillegal aliens.  Going so far as to laud their work defending illegal alien criminals and domestic abusers.

Brooklyn Defenders' Immigration Practice protects the rights of immigrant New Yorkers by defending against ICE detention and deportation, minimizing the negative immigration consequences of criminal and family charges for non-citizens and representing immigrants in applications for immigration benefits.


In addition to her work at the Brooklyn Public Defenders service, Saenz was a leader training the next generation of left-wing immigration attorneys who would serve as advocates for illegal aliens.  Saenz was a fellow at the leftist Cardozo School of Law Immigration Justice Clinic (IJC).  The IJC was the leader in developing the legal mechanism behind sanctuary cities.

IJC developed the concept and legal foundations of what has become known as detainer discretion—the idea that states and localities cannot be coerced by the federal government to participate in its mass deportation programs, and thus have discretion to determine when they will and when they won’t honor detainers. As a result of our and MRNY’s efforts, in 2011, New York City became one of the first jurisdictions in the nation to enact a detainer discretion law.


Saenz’s clinic has also been leading the charge to get illegal aliens the right to vote and provide them with taxpayer benefits.  During her time at Cardozo, the clinic was leading the charge on that effort.

IJC developed the concept of extending state citizenship to immigrants who make New York their home, regardless of federal immigration status or lack thereof. ... Citizenship would mean that all New York residents would become full and equal members of the state political community, with the rights to vote and hold public office, the rights to access state benefits and programs, and the rights to protection against discrimination and mistreatment.


Fought to Keep Violent Criminal Aliens in the United States

Saenz’s work though isn’t confined to theoretical changes to immigration law she has been an on the ground fighter for some of the worse criminal aliens.  She’s used her legal skills to fight to protect violent predators from deportation – threatening to keep them in our communities.  

A shining example is when in 2020, Saenz represented, Braulio Duran Acevedo, a violent sexual predator who preyed on children.

Braulio Duran Acevedo, a native of Mexico and lawful permanent resident who has lived in the U.S. since 1969, was convicted in 2015 of attempted oral or anal sexual conduct with a person under age 15 in violation of N.Y. Penal Law § 130.45(1). In removal proceedings, an immigration judge (IJ) found him removable on aggravated felony grounds for sexual abuse of a minor as defined in INA § 101(a)(43)(A); for child abuse, neglect, or abandonment under INA § 237(a)(2)(E)(i) [8 USCA § 1227(a) (2)(E)(i)]; and for two separate crimes involving moral turpitude under INA § 237(a)(2)(A)(ii) [8 USCA § 1227(a)(2)(A)(ii)].

Andrea Sáenz (argued) and Sophie Dalsimer, Brooklyn Defender Services, Brooklyn, New York, appeared for Acevedo.


Ms. Saenz had discretion in who she could have provided services for, the fact that she decided to represent an old man who attempted to sexually assaulted a young girl under the age of fifteen should provide clear insight into whose side she is on.