DHS Bureaucrat Watch List


Benish “Bebe” Anver

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
Senior Advisor, Office of the Director -- USCIS

Benish “Bebe” Anver's

Partisan Political Activities

Active Liberal Voter in Washington, DC. (source)

Benish Anver has made contributions to liberal candidates for office, including to Cory Booker’s 2020 presidential campaign and to Kamala Harris’ 2024 presidential campaign.

Notably, Politico reported the following regarding Cory Booker’s immigration ambitions in 2019:

Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) released a broad immigration plan Tuesday that his presidential campaign said would “virtually eliminate immigration detention.”...


Benish “Bebe” Anver's

Notable Financial Relationships

Benish “Bebe” Anver's

Notable Prior Employment History

October 2016 – Present – US Department of Homeland Security/USCIS

September 2013 – October 2016 National Immigrant Women's Advocacy Project – Policy Staff Attorney and Fellow

January 2012 – May 2012 – US Senate Judiciary Committee – Senator Dianne Feinstein

September 2011 – January 2012 – US Senate – Senator Jeanne Shaheen

Led Efford to Manipulate Legitimate Visa Program Meant for Crime Victims to Let in More Migrants

While there are many avenues though which an open borders agenda can be implemented, so-called U-visas are one of the most emotionally manipulative.

Designed to serve those fleeing legitimate cases of gender-based violence (eg. Sex trafficking or female genital mutilation), under the Biden/Harris administration, this program has been dramatically expanded to encompass more dubious (and likely fraudulent) claims.

The Biden Administration no longer makes determinations as to the legitimacy of claims.  Just “check the box,” and as long as the paperwork is in order, applicants receive work authorization and deferred adjudication for four years.

In June 2021, USCIS implemented the bona fide determination process. The bona fide determination process was created with the goal of conducting initial reviews of U nonimmigrant status petitions more efficiently and providing eligible victims of qualifying crimes with employment authorization and deferred action while they await a final adjudication of their petition for U nonimmigrant status under the annual statutory cap. This will provide victims with stability and better equip them to cooperate with and assist law enforcement.

Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) notes that illegal immigrants will “shop around for law enforcement agencies that will sign a U visa certification” and that although visa petitions are often incomplete or lack evidence, USCIS accepts them anyway:

…The number of pending U visa petitions has increased to 334,000 cases, even though there is an annual cap of 10,000 set by Congress. Once an alien applies, they are eligible for a work permit and placed on a wait list. The status is valid for four years and can be renewed, until, in most cases, the alien eventually gains permanent residence and a green card. Thus, there’s a huge incentive for illegal aliens to claim they are victims or stage a robbery, as was done in Houston.
There are many flaws with the U visa program as is. Most notably, illegal aliens shop around for law enforcement agencies that will sign a U visa certification, which is the golden ticket to getting in the queue. Not only is it easy to file a visa petition, but it’s also free, and those who file quickly obtain work authorization documents. The petition is often incomplete and lacks evidence, but USCIS will accept it regardless. Some aliens are eligible for the visa even though the statute of limitations related to the crime has expired. Worst of all, if a petition is pending, ICE – under the Biden administration’s directive – has a policy not to arrest or deport the applicant…

SOURCE: National Engagement - U Visa and Bona Fide Determination Process - Frequently Asked Questions | USCIS

SOURCE: https://www.fairus.org/blog/2024/04/11/another-u-visa-scam-illegal-aliens-what-law-enforcement-needs-know

Ms. Anver was heralded by open borders advocate Alejandro Mayorkas in 2022 for her involvement in degrading the legitimacy of the U-Visa program.

SOURCE: TeamExcellence | Homeland Security (dhs.gov)

The U Visa, while initially well intended to help bona fide victims of crime, has been abused by illegal immigrants and facilitated by theBiden Administration to provide work authorization and deferred action to hundreds of thousands of migrants.

Advocated for Divisive Gay Marriage Policy

On March 26, 2013 Benish Anver made a post to Facebook in support of the redefinition of marriage. This post is evidence of Anver’s left-wing social policy:

This suggests Ms. Anver’s views would be out of step in a conservative administration.